When news broke of the classic-era Guns N’ Roses lineup of Axl Rose, Duff McKagen and Slash would be reuniting (with a few potential guest appearances from other original members) at Coachella 2016, many celebrated, others held their breath. The only thing more consistent than Axl Rose asking screaming fans where they were (answer: the jungle, baby), was Axl and the band blowing off concerts and inciting riots. Also: drugs.
What no one asked was how the current members were handling the decision. Members like Buckethead. He may be a man who wears a KFC bucket on his head and a raincoat on his back, but under that bucket and behind that guitar is a man who has feelings, you know. And his feelings matter, no matter your stance on fried chicken and raincoats. Or the general direction that KFC has taken since diversifying their menu selection.
Luckily for Guns N’ Roses fans, “Buckethead” made an appearance on Conan, where he would explain his general feelings on the news that Slash would be taking back his rightful job as lead guitarist for the biggest rock band of the ’80s and early ’90s, as well as the reason why millions of Gen-X’ers took up smoking and wearing silly hats. Wait… Silly hats… Bucketheads… Hmmm. Either way, thanks for clearing the air, “Buckethead”.
(Via Team Coco)