Stephen Colbert Sat Next To Michelle Obama At A State Dinner And Is Now The First Lady Of France

On Tuesday night, President Obama hosted a state dinner for French president François Hollande. Leading up to the event, many wondered who would be seated to the right of First Lady Michelle Obama — a seat typically reserved for the spouse of guest — because Hollande has a wife and a mistress (naturally, he’s French, after all). Well, as it turns out, Stephen Colbert was invited to the dinner and it was he who wound up being seated next to Michelle Obama. This, of course, led Colbert to declare himself first lady of France on the Colbert Report last night.

Additionally, Colbert spent some time ribbing Shep Smith for his extensive coverage of the event’s menu and shared some personal anecdotes from the event. I’m sure this won’t be the last we’ll hear of it, either.

Here’s part one…

Here’s part two…