Craig Ferguson Closed Out ‘The Late Late Show’ With Drew Carey And A Tribute To A Classic TV Finale

Last night was Craig Ferguson’s night to say goodbye to late night television and he went out in his own way, including a very tried and true tribute to the classic finale to Newhart. The difference here is that Ferguson doesn’t wake up next to his wife at all, but Drew Carey.

It’s a nice throwback to Ferguson’s role on The Drew Carey Show and actually sort of fits in with the continuity of the show a bit since his character, Mr. Wick, actually got married to Carey during the show in one of those green card ceremonies. If it succeeded in anything, it really makes me want The Drew Carey Show on Netflix or Hulu immediately.

It was a nice moment to cap off an evening of nice moments, including a monologue of every montage from 2005 until now and a musical celebration that doesn’t rival Colbert’s in star power, but does carry a lot more energy. Hopefully James Corden can keep the unique late night experience alive when he comes in to take over the show.