Curb Your Enthusiasm aired its series finale, and just as the internet predicted, Larry David ended his curmugdeony HBO run by essentially recreating the now-infamous Seinfeld finale.
Originally airing in 1998, the Seinfeld finale went down as one of the most hated nights in television as the classic NBC sitcom ended with Jerry, Elaine, George, and Kramer going to jail after years of being the most horrible, self-absorbed people in New York City finally caught up with them.
In the Curb finale, David already seemed to be heading towards a Seinfeld redux after he was arrested earlier in the season in Georgia for violating the state’s voting laws by giving Leon’s aunt a glass of water while she was in line. (The south, everybody!) The finale opened with David facing trial for the unusually decent act, and things immediately took a turn as Larry’s year of being the worst came back to haunt him.
Via Washington Post:
The coffee store operator whom Larry competed against out of spite, the golf club owner whose black swan he killed, Trump administration whistleblower Alexander Vindman — they and many others (even Bruce Springsteen) take the stand to recount Larry’s many, many offenses (stealing shoes from a Holocaust museum, stealing flowers from a memorial, eating a dying dog’s last meal) against decorum and basic good behavior.
Like the Seinfeld finale, Larry gets slapped with a one year prison sentence. It sure seems like Larry is about to completely ape the most infamous ending in television until an unlikely savior arrives: Jerry Seinfeld. The comedian reveals to the judge that one of the jurors bumped into him at a coffee shop and violated the sequester, which results in Larry scoring a mistrial. As Jerry picks Larry up at prison, the Curb finale takes one final jab at the Seinfeld ending.
“You don’t want to end up like this,” Seinfeld says. “No one wants to see it. Trust me.”
As you can see by the reactions below, Curb fans were loving that David took such a huge swing by doubling down on the Seinfeld finale that people have complained about for years:
Still grinning over curb your enthusiasm finale. Just perfect, and even moving. Every interaction between Larry and Jerry touched my heart strings, and I’m so glad that Richard Lewis was still here when they filmed it. Thank you Larry David, you magnificent asshole.
— Tzippy Shmilovitz 🎗️ (@Tzipshmil) April 8, 2024
The only lesson Larry David ever learned in his entire life was that the SEINFELD finale could’ve been a little better.
What a perfect end for CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM.
— Jordan (@StavelyJordan) April 8, 2024
curb your enthusiasm was just a ploy for larry to spite everyone that’s bitched and complained about the seinfeld finale these past decades
— alexa la cerva (@diegoIunas) April 8, 2024
I love how Curb Your Enthusiasm basically repeated the Seinfeld finale to a T, essentially a do-over. It's the end of an era. Thank you, Larry David.
— Samuel Dunsiger (He/Him) (@samdunsiger) April 8, 2024
That feeling when your favorite show of all time ends on a fucking banger. Seriously can't believe it's over. #CurbYourEnthusiasm
— Bob. (@ThunderGruntBob) April 8, 2024
Welp, Larry stuck the landing. Absolutely hilarious final episode. #CurbYourEnthusiasm
— matt is the problem (@_shutupmatt) April 8, 2024
Larry David repeating the Seinfeld finale to a “T” after two decades plus of hearing people bitch and moan about it is the most baller, cocky, and fantastic move he could have made. What a high note to go out on. RIP #CurbYourEnthusiasm
— killers of the flower snoon (@mike_snoonian) April 8, 2024
However, one user doesn’t think David was trying to fix anything and fully believes the Curb finale was a straight-up finger to the haters:
Larry David didn’t fix the Seinfeld finale he said🖕to everyone that has complained about it for decades. #CurbYourEnthusiasm
— gottagopack (@gotagopack) April 8, 2024
All seasons of Curb Your Enthusiasm are available to stream on Max.