James Whittemore, a 22-year-old aspiring actor, was arrested early Sunday morning after he concluded a drunken bender by smashing the glass doors and lobby of the Ed Sullivan Theater, the home of “The Late Show with David Letterman.” Stand by for hilarious reporting from the New York Daily News…
Whittemore, tore through the box-office and lobby of the historic Ed Sullivan Theater, shattering the front doors and upending trash cans, a source close to the investigation said.
Whittemore, of Harlem, apparently used only his feet to kick in the doors, police sources said.
I know that it’s a shame to do something like that to a historic old theater, but man… that sounds like a blast. When I was 22, one of my favorite things to do in the world was get drunk and break things. Game respect game.
The “blind drunk” thespian was charged with burglary and criminal mischief, and accused of at least $2,000 in damage, cops said. He was hospitalized with a cut on his forehead.
Whittemore, who is originally from Enfield, Conn, is a singer and actor who has appeared in regional shows, including “Celebration of the Sixties” at the Tropicana Resort Casino in Atlantic City and “We Got the Beat” at Six Flags New England in Springfield, Mass.
OH MY GOD YES. How was that information not in the headline? “Man Who Sang Go-Gos Song at Six Flags Trashes Letterman Theater.” Don’t bury the lede, people.
He’s a fan of all the Boston sports teams, according to Facebook.
Change 2: “Red Sox Fan Who Sang Go-Gos Song at Six Flags Trashes Letterman Theater.”
He’s also known for quoting another off-the-deep-end actor, Charlie Sheen, on Twitter. Repeating one Sheen-ism, Whittemore tweeted on April 9: “I have one gear. Go go go.”
Added Whittemore: “I have only one favorite band. The Go-Gos.”
“He was the life of a party, in a good way,” said one of his roommates, Charles McGowan.
“Like, if you needed a window smashed or trash can upended, he was the man for the job.”
Anyway, “The Late Show” stage was padlocked and unharmed, and Letterman will tape at the normal time today. Like I always say, no harm, no foul. Just misdemeanor charges.