Game of Thrones has a lot of nudity, but outside of Alfie Allen in the first season, HBO has intentionally shied away from pointing the camera in the direction of a penis as the seasons have gone on. It’s gotten to a point where the avoidance of seeing a penis, any kind of penis, has been carefully and tastefully taken out of the equation. Some say to the detriment of the story. If a woman’s body can be shown fully nude to drive home the point that she’s a source of inspiration for a character’s actions, then so too can a man’s body be shown. It’s okay to see a naked body. Really, it is.
Emilia Clarke publicly wants to put the “member” back in cast member – much to the disappointment of her mother.
“There’s plenty of female nudity, myself included, and there should be a discussion between equal male and female nudity.”
Every good cause needs a rallying cry, and Emilia Clarke’s is “free the penis.” Although, it wasn’t so much of a loud cry that boomed throughout Westeros/Hollywood, but more like a mutter under her breath because she knew her mother probably wouldn’t approve.
Sorry, Emilia – that doesn’t mean your rallying cry isn’t powerful, because it is. It’s time to #OccupyWesterosPenis and #FreeThePenis.
(Via Team Coco)