Fox News Is Trashing Patricia Arquette’s Wage Equality Oscar Speech

Sunday night’s Academy Awards show featured a handful of A-List celebrities walking away with those coveted golden statues. And while winning a trophy is all well and good, what everyone’s always talking about the morning after are those sometimes emotional, always memorable acceptance speeches.

Last night’s list of obligatory thank-you’s ran the gamut. J.K. Simmons reminded us all that parental neglect is not cool, Julianne Moore dedicated her win to those suffering with Alzheimer’s (and the Academy members who voted for her because they’ve given her five more years with her younger husband) and The Imitation Game writer Graham Moore gave an impassioned plea for young weirdos everywhere to keep on keepin’ on. But the night’s most rousing — and controversial — speech may just belong to Best Supporting Actress winner Patricia Arquette.

The Boyhood star took home the trophy for her 12 year tenure in Richard Linklater’s indie drama and ended her time at the mic by voicing her stance on America’s gender equality problem:

To every woman who gave birth, to every taxpayer and citizen of this nation, we have fought for everybody else’s equal rights. It’s our time to have wage equality once and for all and equal rights for women in the United States of America!

Well it looks like the women at Fox News are completely clueless to the struggle of their peers. On an episode of Fox & Friends, actress and Fox News contributor Stacey Dash said she was “appalled” by Arquette’s assessment of women and their rights in the workplace.

I didn’t get the memo I didn’t have any rights.

She also spews on about the 1963 Equal Pay Act and her love of old Hollywood glamour that she shares with Donald Trump in an attempt to back up her point but unfortunately for Dash, Arquette is clearly the winner of this round. All the white, comb-over sporting billionaires in the world can’t equal the power of one Meryl Streep fist-pumping endorsement.