Welcome back for another edition of Game of Lulz, where we round up the best Game of Thrones memes from across the net for your viewing pleasure. It was a busy week for everyone on the show — Sam introduced Gilly to his terrible father, Margaery introduced Tommen to the power of the Gods, and Lady Crane re-introduced Arya to the concept of humanity.
Then there was Daenerys giving another one of her “Make Westeros great again” speeches, and let’s not forget Benjen Stark reappearing with a really bad case of dry skin — too much time in the Winds of Winter really ages you. But as always, our meme makers love big jerks, and there was no bigger jerk in this episode than Sam’s dad Lord Randyll Tarly. Let’s get to it!
That’s it for another week of Game of Lulz. As usual, we’d like to thank all the meme makers out there, without which these posts would be a lot shorter. Big ups to the Song of Memes and Rage crew, as well as the folks at Game of Laughs. Make sure to check them out for more funny Game of Thrones stuff.
And of course there’s also our archive of Game of Thrones memes going back two seasons, and our Walking Dead memes, as well. Lots and lots of memes to keep you entertained until next Sunday. And tons more great Game of Thrones coverage from Uproxx in general. Did you know that the boy who played Young Hodor wrote a song about his noble death? It’s surprisingly good. And he doesn’t just have a haunting voice … I hear he’s quite the guitar player, as well.