Jimmy Kimmel‘s This Week in Unnecessary Censorship is one of then bright spots in all of late-night television, simply for its ability to pack a plethora of laughs into a two-minute viral bit. Also, it’s quite refreshing to see Sesame Street characters get their words and actions blurred because we know, deep down inside, that street is a haven for debauchery. I mean, it’s well known at this point that mechanized Sesame Street toys do little more than thrust their pelvis’ at its users in a quest to blur the lines between sexualized maneuvers and dancing.
Anyway, this week’s stitched together video segment features a variety of political talking heads, Hillary Clinton, President Barack Obama (in perhaps the best part), Donald Trump, some old cowboy in a commercial with sexually suggestive hands, newscasters, sports newscasters, and finally, Adventure Time.
Check out the video above, and laugh a little. You deserve it. But, don’t laugh at a toy version of Elmo thrusting its hips — you don’t deserve that. No one does. It’s reprehensible, vile, and somehow cute at the same time, and that’s the problem with these toys: it’s sexy posturing passed off for delightful playfulness.
Be vigilant. Be aware.