Joel McHale Explains The Evolution Of Reality Television, Reminds Us He Has A Rose Bowl Ring

UPROXX favorite Joel McHale dropped by Conan last night as he is contractually required to do once a quarter, and it was great just like anything that allows Joel McHale to talk tends to be (looking disgustingly at you, SOA). Real life Jeff Winger gets a little further in depth about how weird the Community holiday episodes are going to be in 2013, but the two most interesting things of note are 1) McHale dissecting the evolution of reality television and 2) McHale reminding us that he has a Rose Bowl ring. That’s right: this happened.

The reality TV history lesson is what we already know (drunk girls with rage issues as conceived by The Real World), but it’s nice to hear it from the purveyor of The Soup. The Rose Bowl thing kind of blew my mind though, because even though in the recesses of my mind I was aware that Joel McHale was a walk-on for the Washington Huskies in the early ’90s, I never put it together that he was on the second of their back-to-back Rose Bowl championship teams. That’s just cool/impressive and adds to incredible resume that includes getting Santa Baby’d by Alison Brie. Seriously, read this if you haven’t already.

Here’s the first clip where he works in his college football past into a speeding ticket anecdote (“I was terrible…I made a lot of guys look really good when they tackled me”) and manages to once again make me feel completely inadequate.

And here’s the reality television talk and a reminder that MTV may have started it but we’re the ones to blame.