Ellie Kemper Talks About Jon Hamm Being Her Eighth Grade Drama Teacher


It’s actually a well-documented fact on the internet that Jon Hamm was Ellie Kemper’s eighth grade drama teacher, but just in case you forgot or it’s managed to somehow escape you until now: Jon Hamm was Ellie Kemper’s eighth grade drama teacher! Both hailing from St. Louis, Hamm returned to his high school after graduating college with a Bachelor of Arts in English to teach eighth grade drama for a brief time, and Kemper just happened to be one of his students.

Even if you already knew, it’s still pretty adorable to hear the always wonderful Ellie Kemper tell the story, as she did last night when Seth Meyers brought up the subject. Now, I don’t know if 20-something Jon Hamm possessed the same, uh, je ne sais quoi that fully-ripened Jon Hamm does, but either way, I can’t even fathom him in any capacity lording over a room of 13-year-old girls. Can you imagine? Tina Belcher would explode.