JWoww’s Art > Snooki’s Writing

Many readers have pointed out to me that Snooki’s novel is now a New York Times bestseller (*makes sign of the cross*). But there’s more heartening news on the “Jersey Shore” arts front: Jenni “JWoww” Farley, a former art studentat the New York Institute of Technology, actually has a modicum of talent.

Gawker dug up JWoww’s old NYIT website that displays her work, and I have to admit: it’s not bad. All of her sketches and paintings display a basic comprehension of light and shadow, and I like the still life that includes a beach towel and a bottle of laundry detergent (I like to think it’s called Prelude to GTL). I mean, she’s not Picasso or anything, but Picasso didn’t have big tits and dress like a stripper. Advantage: JWoww.