Megyn Kelly To The ‘Live’ Audience: A Trump Victory Is ‘Shocking,’ But It Will All Turn Out Okay

On Wednesday, Megyn Kelly took on co-hosting duties on Live with Kelly and discussed the election. Kelly, who is fresh off covering the election with Fox News, said Donald Trump’s victory is surprising but she believes this is an opportunity for the country to unite.

Kelly had been announced as the post-election co-host for Live with Kelly some time ago, and her appearance was an anticipated one. Kelly and Trump had not seen eye to eye on the campaign trail, with each hurling insults at each other. But Kelly kept it pretty civil during the daytime talk show, merely calling his victory “shocking:”

“Some people felt stigmatized about voting for Donald Trump and didn’t want to tell the pollsters who they were voting for but they did want to go into the polling booth and do what they felt was right. It was a resounding victory, there’s no question about it. I think you’ll never have a result this shocking, where people got it this shockingly wrong.”

But the Fox News host offered some words of encouragement. She said this is not a time for despair but an opportunity for the country to come together:

“That’s one of the things that makes us great is we go through this electoral process, we get battered and bruised, but at the end of it, we do accept the result, we get behind our president. We can fight still…but we all share the same basic core values as Americans, and that’s what we should focus on I think.”

Kelly went on to say it’s best to keep an open mind about the future. She offered some words of encouragement by saying, “What happens in the White House does not affect who you are, who your children are, what’s most important to you in your life.”

(Via CNN Money & Live with Kelly)