Long-time readers of Warming Glow, as well as the people who Google’d “annie edison xxx” and found us, know that our obsession with Alison Brie is, well, obsessive. In the most flattering, respectful way possible, obviously. But now that it’s July and Community AND Mad Men are off the air, we’re like a Pete without a Trudy: aimless, lost, and visiting whorehouses where we see our father-in-law coming out of a bedroom with a 200-pound negro prostitute.
So I feel it’s best for company morale if we elect a summertime Alison Brie, someone whose every GIF we devotedly embed. I, for one, would like to elect True Blood‘s Deborah Ann Woll; her Jessica Hamby is one of the very few reasons to still watch the show (basically, her, Eric, and Burnsy’s recaps). Last night was a perfect encapsulation of everything she brings to the table: the smarts, the sex, the seductions, the skirts (see below), and oh yeah, last week, she lured a fang-banger into Bill’s home and he turned her into a Boneitis patient. That was pretty cool.
Any objections?