For some reason Michele Bachmann, Louie Gohmert and Steve King — arguably the three stupidest members of the United States Congress — addressed the people of Egypt in an utterly bizarre and condescending televised press conference over the weekend. Bachmann kicked the idiocy off by introducing herself thusly: “My name’s Michelle Bachmann. I’m a member of the United States Congress from the United States of America.” Yes, she really did say that.
On the bright side, this provided an opportunity for Bob Odenkirk and David Cross — who were on the Daily Show to promote a book of rejected scripts they co-wrote post-Mr. Show — to join Samantha Bee in a parody of the Bachmann/Gohmert/King presser that offered an “apology” to the people of Egypt. After Odenkirk questioned why Egyptians don’t love bacon as much as Americans do, Cross noted, “It is possible that when those three congresspeople are unsupervised they eat their own sh*t.”
And here’s the interview the duo did with Stewart afterwards, where Breaking Bad and Arrested Development were naturally discussed…