AMC’s Latest Sneak Peak At ‘The Walking Dead’ Season 7 Doesn’t Bode Well For Daryl Dixon

With fewer than two months to go until The Walking Dead season seven premiere, I imagine you’re just as tired as I am of the constant hyperfocus on who Negan killed at the end of season six. For a show that kills off characters at a pretty steady clip, what’s one (or two) more deaths added to the pile? With that in mind, who is to say the most shocking death of the season is going to come about at the end of Negan’s bat?

On Sunday night, AMC aired another marathon of The Walking Dead and ended it with a hour-long special devoted to next season. During the Talking Dead-style show, they played a new clip that has probably left Daryl Dixon fans feeling a little concerned. It features Dwight — the jerkwad who stole Daryl’s crossbow and shot him in the back — riding what looks like Daryl’s motorcycle and wearing what is definitely Daryl’s signature angel wing vest.

Given the lack of resources in the zombie apocalypse, we can assume recycling anything that hasn’t been soaking in the guts of a long dead walker is a popular practice. Dwight obviously took Daryl’s stuff… the only question is whether it was over Daryl’s dead body or not. A lot of superfans have been expressing confidence that the popular star was going to survive the season seven premiere. This video basically says “so what if he did?” Anyone can die at any time on The Walking Dead.