The World’s Biggest ‘Peaky Blinders’ Fan? You Guessed It… Snoop Dogg

Snoop Dogg At SeaWorld San Diego
Getty Image

Peaky Blinders creator Steven Knight is out doing the publicity rounds for the recent Netflix release of his BBC drama’s third season, which is great news for a bunch of reasons (it means I have new episodes to watch, it gives me an excuse to talk about Peaky Blinders some more, etc.). But mostly it is great news because it led to this exchange during an interview with The Hollywood Reporter.

Do you find it strange that people in the U.S. have responded to a drama about early 20th century gangs in Birmingham?

It’s amazing because of the numbers of them, but also because the nature of some of them. I’ve been contacted spontaneously by Dennis Lehane, Michael Mann, Snoop Dogg…

Snoop Dogg?

I had a three-hour meeting with him because he loves it so much.

Now, it’s important to note here that Knight elaborated on the meeting and said they discussed “gangs, gang culture and the series,” which actually sounds like an interesting discussion and kind of makes me regret leading with that silly picture of Snoop with a hip-hop seal. (Lies. I will never regret using that picture.) But let’s backburner that for a second and focus on the bigger issue here: Imagine creating a show about UK gangsters from the 1920s who wear razor blades in their hats and then, a few years later, having a three-hour discussion about it with a fanboying-out Snoop Dogg. Imagine even getting that phone call.

“Who was that, honey?”

“… Uh, Snoop Dogg.”

I hope Knight casts him in the show for season four. Any role will do. Snoop and I would both appreciate it.