This ‘Price Is Right’ Model Makes Quite A Mess After Tripping On Stage In The Middle Of The Show

Many terrible things have happened on The Price Is Right over the years, but very few have to do with the models (unless we’re counting lawsuits). Usually their only job is to hug the contestants, flip a card, and maybe actually do a little modeling for a product. It’s an easy job unless you have mishaps like this one from Friday’s show.

Amber Lancaster was just doing her thing and helping a contestant choose the right price tag to win some four-wheelers, but once the win is announced and Drew Carey attempts to move on to another game, Amber manages to trip. She falls back and ends up shattering one of the glass bulbs on the set, a bulb that likely costs hundreds of dollars given some of the prices we see on the show.

She’s clearly embarrassed by the gaffe, but everybody has a good laugh on the stage — except for the contestant who seems about as shocked as she could be. You’d think Amber tripped and stepped on a stray cat standing just off stage, sending blood gushing as her heel pushes through its tiny head. Certainly makes all the laughter after the fact seem a little cold and odd. That’s the model way, though.

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