Season 3 of ‘Hung’ Looks Enticing

HBO’s “Hung” tells the story of Ray (Thomas Jane), a down-and-out Detroit high school teacher/baseball coach who loses his job, his wife, and his childhood home, then becomes a male prostitute because he has a big dong. It’s the American dream, really.
In Season 3, Lenore (the buxom Rebecca Creskoff) finds a younger, hotter male prostitute, and has designs on taking away all of Ray and Tanya’s (Jane Addams) clients, because there are lots of attractive women in suburban Detroit who can’t find a lover but have extra money and therefore pay for sex. “Hung” is TV’s finest science fiction dramedy.
The saucy trailer for Season 3 is below, with screencaps on the following pages. It’s got lesbianism, a busty redhead, pugs watching sex, and a hair-pulling catfight on a bathroom floor. I had no idea Detroit was so sexy!