With Dana Carvey showing off his impressions over on The Tonight Show, you kinda felt he was in the area just in case SNL needed his services. And need them they did, in order to bring back a classic SNL character to comment on the current election. Chuch Lady might not be Matt Foley or one of Adam Sandler’s silly songs, but I’ll take it.
Turns out that Church Lady is a big fan of Westworld, still hates Satan, and likes to break out into song — much like everybody that comes back or hosts SNL. Everybody can’t get enough singing it seems, Benedict Cumberbatch proved as much to start the show. But I’ll take Church Lady singing every day, especially when it involves rounding up all the bad people from this election. You need a good song to capture all of those lost souls in one place.
Church Lady could use a little sprucing up on her knowledge of who is and isn’t a homosexual in Hollywood, but otherwise, she’s pretty good. Definitely nice to see Carvey back on the show again and not during a cold open. Also she calls Hillary a bitter android before calling Trump a riverboat gambler with an orange head. Just imagine being stuck on a boat with all of these people, with Trump leading the crew in some Boss Hogg getup. You’ll want Church Lady to damn you to Hell.
(Via SNL)