Stephen Colbert Brings Back The ‘Werd’ To Cover The Ongoing Battle To ‘Repeal And Erase’ Obamacare

Stephen Colbert has called back to his former show on Comedy Central a few times since he’s moved to CBS, bringing Jon Stewart on the show during the conventions and even reviving a few of his ongoing segments for The Late Show audience. The problem there was that he couldn’t legally do it, something he addressed on the show and then did anyway by switching up a few key aspects. Instead of “The Word” we now have the “Werd,” which is basically the same but hosted by Late Show Stephen instead of the bold and loud Stephen of the Colbert Report days.

The host still has a good time with it, something you can see in his segment on Monday that covers the efforts of Congressional Republicans to repeal the Affordable Care Act — better known as Obamacare. Repeal is typically replaced with “replace” when there’s any discussion about the health care act, but Colbert decides to reframe it as “repeal and erase” in order to remove any connection to President Obama.

With Trump claiming to have a replacement ready that will provide coverage for all, it’s hard to tell if he’s telling the truth or if he’s just tossing out bluster to keep people from seeing there’s no plan. It does seem like whatever he hinted at over the weekend might go against the ultimate goal of his GOP co-workers in Congress. We’ll know more in the days following his inauguration, hopefully.

(Via The Late Show)