Jon Stewart Tears Apart Mike Huckabee’s Ridiculous ‘Bacon-Wrapped Shrimp’ Argument Against Gay Marriage

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The Daily Show
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Even when one of their lead stories is quashed an hour before taping their show, The Daily Show can always count on Mike Huckabee to say something fantastically dumb. In this case, it was the probable presidential candidate comparing national recognition of same-sex marriage to forcing Jewish people to sell bacon-wrapped shrimp in their delis (because all Jewish people own delis?). Well, the Old Testament says a thing about not eating pork or shellfish in the same chapter as that oft-quoted “man shall not lay with another man” line, so it totally works, right? Abominations-a-go-go!

No, it doesn’t work, especially when you consider the feelings of Bacon-Wrapped Shrimpy. Maybe Bacon-Wrapped Shrimpy doesn’t want to be your token Biblical Abomination Friend, whom you like even though you disapprove of her deviance from the Holy Scripture and you believe she’s going to burn in hell — maybe she just wants a real friend, MIKE.

Source: Comedy Central via The Wrap