The Walking Lulz: The Very Best ‘Walking Dead’ Memes From 2016

Welcome to the last 2016 edition of The Walking Lulz, our episodic round up of the best The Walking Dead memes from across the internet. 2016 has been a somewhat traumatic year for fans of The Walking Dead. The relative tranquility of Alexandria came undone and we lost a lot of beloved characters and also Spencer. That’s why The Walking Dead memes rock. They allow us to not think of the show in dire terms or only remember those rough moments. With those memes, we can look back and maybe smile and laugh at some of the best, and in this case, we’re casting a wide net that includes, not just the first half of season 7 but all of 2016 (meaning part of season 6).

The Walking Lulz wouldn’t be possible without the creative efforts of all the viewers and fanpages out there dedicated to making funny memes week after week. Not only that, but they’ve been kind enough to share those creations with us. So big thank yous go out to everyone, with special shout outs to heavy hitters TWDJunkie, Walker Wyn, /r/TheWalkingDead, and Crazy Rick Grimes.

Don’t forget to check out all the meme sources by clicking the names under each picture, and you can go back through our archive of The Walking Dead memes as well. We’ve got Game of Thrones memes for you too, since we’ve got until February to wait. We hope you’ve enjoyed another year of The Walking Lulz!