Tom Arnold Claims Hillary Clinton Begged Him To Release His Alleged Trump Footage Before Election Day

Congratulations, I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here! For the first time in the reality franchise’s existence it has managed to do something America might consider relevant. (Our apologies to Melissa Rivers and Patti Blagojevich.)

Unlikely figure of political intrigue Tom Arnold was a contestant on the Australian edition of the program and in addition to rubbing elbows with local stars, he also claimed again to have Donald Trump footage that the actor said contained pretty much every slur and vulgarity under the sun. Arnold (not the Schwarzenegger one) has always stressed that the Trump stuff is disgusting, but he’s been reluctant to release it because it might hurt the behind-the-scenes people in the aftermath. A new wrinkle to the story was added when chatting about his situation with a castmate.

“[Hillary Clinton] called me two days before the election and said ‘please release that. The weight of the free world is on your shoulders’,” claims Arnold. “I said I’d think about it. I’d love to be a hero, but I can’t hurt these families.”

Say what? Can someone fax Hillary Clinton at whatever wooded outpost she’s in and get confirmation on this?

Arnold, who was the first contestant given the heave ho this season, was pessimistic that the allegedly damning footage. He suggested it wouldn’t do much now anyway. (Opinions may differ on that take.) He also addressed the subject of Trump with the hosts after he was eliminated.

“And it was just two days before the election and I got a call and they wanted a tape that myself and a lot of people have seen, from outakes of The Apprentice of Donald Trump,” he offered. “When it first circulated around Hollywood, Donald Trump was never going to be president. I hope when I find out what is going on, I hope he is not President any more. I will be happy if America is still there.”

Maybe we need to start watching the Danish version of Celebrity Wife Swap and see if there are any possible bombshells there.

(Via New York Post)