We are living in a strange time for streaming. On the one hand, there are so many options for you to pick from when it comes to entertainment! On the other hand, there are so many options for you to pick from when it comes to entertainment. It’s a tough conundrum, one sites like Max make even worse by periodically removing shows with no explanation, as they did this week with the acclaimed superhero drama, Watchmen.
According to Vulture, the move was not intended to offend and/or harm Watchmen fans, and it was just a glitch. The title wasn’t slated to leave the streamer this month, though HBO has been known to remove shows at any given moment with little-to-know warning or reasoning. It keeps viewers on their toes!
Watchmen returned to Max this morning, so you can Watch those Men at any given time. Even though there is only one season of the series, a second season was never officially ruled out, as long as Regina King is back on board.
Even though Watchmen returned to its home streamer safe and sound, it just confirms the daunting reality that any of your favorite shows could disappear at any moment, which means that the streamers are getting way too much power. It’s never too late to buy that DVD box set of Scrubs.