Earlier today, we learned that former Saturday Night Live superstars Will Ferrell and Kristen Wiig teamed up to make a top secret movie for Lifetime entitled, A Deadly Adoption. The emphasis was apparently on secret, because nobody had any clue this was happening and the stars wanted to make sure that their parody-tribute hybrid sneaked up on us like the neighbor’s dog with a hunting rifle when it aired this summer.
I’m using the past tense because Ferrell and Wiig reportedly pulled the plug on A Deadly Adoption after the cat came out of the bag. According to Entertainment Weekly, Ferrell is bummed that in an age without secrets, nobody could keep a secret:
“We are deeply disappointed that our planned top secret project was made public,” Ferrell said in a statement to EW. “Kristen and I have decided it is in the best interest for everyone to forego the project entirely, and we thank Lifetime and all the people who were ready to help us make this film.”
OR DID THEY?!?!? Sorry, I’m in such a Lifetime original movie kind of mood now. At the same time that EW is reporting that statement from Ferrell, The Wrap exclusively reports that this is all just a clever ruse to make us think that A Deadly Adoption won’t happen.
Despite reports to the contrary, Lifetime is moving forward with its Will Ferrell, Kristen Wiig television movie, individuals with knowledge of the project told TheWrap.
On Thursday, other news outlets reported that the movie had been pulled, but that may have been a ploy from Ferrell’s camp after news of the secret movie leaked on Wednesday evening to the actor’s displeasure. (Via The Wrap)
Wow, what a real will they or won’t they mystery this has become. You know what else it is? Kind of dumb. It’s a Lifetime movie, not Old School 2. Either come clean with the plans or most of us will forget to learn what channel Lifetime is and set our DVRs.
(Via Entertainment Weekly)