CNN Couldn’t Resist Dragging Ted Cruz About Cancun After He Criticized Reporting In Afghanistan

Ted Cruz has yet to meet a political topic that hasn’t completely blown up in his face when he tried to drop a “hot take” on Twitter, and the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan has proven to be no different. On Monday afternoon, Cruz criticized CNN reporter Clarissa Ward for broadcasting live from Afghanistan while wearing a burka and noting how “bizarre” it was that the Taliban were being in a “friendly” manner in a video (posted by right-wing provocateur Jack Posobiec).

“Is there an enemy of America for whom @CNN WON’T cheerlead? (In mandatory burkas, no less.),” Cruz tweeted.

However, in a notable move, CNN’s Communication Team fired back at the Texas senator in a tweet that not only defended Ward’s bravery for reporting from Afghanistan, but absolutely eviscerated Cruz for his infamous trip to Cancun while his home state was buried under snow and left without power:

“Rather than running off to Cancun in tough times, @clarissaward is risking her life to tell the world what’s happening. That’s called bravery. Instead of RTing a conspiracy theorist’s misleading soundbite, perhaps your time would be better spent helping Americans in harm’s way.”

This is becoming a routine practice for Cruz. He spouts off on Twitter, and inevitably someone comes in and humiliates him for all the world to see. Last time around, The Daily Show ate Cruz’s lunch, and before that, veteran news anchor Dan Rather got in on the act after Cruz tried to argue against mask and vaccine mandates while COVID cases are spiking across the nation. Basically, Cruz would be wise to stick the sage advice of “never tweet,” but he seems to be hell-bent on doing anything but that.

(Via CNN Communications on Twitter)