World Trade Center Movie Cameos, 1969-2001

As you may have heard, the 10-year anniversary of one of the more significant moments in American history — the terror attacks that took place on September 11, 2001 — is a little over a week away. In such, we’ll all be bombarded with 9/11 remembrances in the coming days, whether we like it or not. The new issue of New York magazine that came in the mail yesterday is completely devoted to it, and, despite my not really being a guy who enjoys rehashing tragic memories, is actually quite good.

With that said, I hesitated initially to post this supercut of cameos made by the World Trade Center towers in films between 1969 and 2001 by Dan Meth, but it’s just too good not to. There are scenes from some of my favorite movies in here, scenes set to music that does a pretty good job of taking the viewer back to the era the scenes came from, if you ask me. So, enjoy!

(HT: Laughing Squid)