Captain America: First Avenger First Trailer

America, F*** YEAH!

Below is the first trailer and a bunch of screencaps from Joe Johnston’s Captain America: The First Avenger.  My only regret is I didn’t get a good screencap of Cap punching a submarine.  GRRR, punching submarines!  USA! USA! USA!  I’m freakin pumped! I’ve been drinking green tea all gotdamn day!

Yesterday I joked that the scene where Howard Stark (Iron Man’s dad) takes off his sunglasses was a CSI Miami thing (“It looks like this serum . . . is super. YEEEAAAHHH!“).  It turns out I was wrong, as CBM reader Gavon points out with the inset picture.  GammaSquad apologizes for the error.

“I’m here for the gang bang?”

[Trailer via BleedingCool]