I Now Pronounce You Husband and Wife, You May Drive the Batmobile

Now I’ll admit, I’ve never been married. Hard to believe, I’m sure, coming from such a masculine blogger as myself, but it’s the truth. That said, when it comes down to determining what constitutes an outstanding wedding ceremony, I just can’t come up with anything more compelling than having a Batmobile replica as your ride and then also a Han Solo in carbonite wedding cake, to boot. Equally like-minded individuals, newlyweds Josh and Amanda knew that without the added power of the above key items, their Dawsonville, Georgia wedding would fall short.

When our “ride” arrived… there was some buzz and the entire reception clamored to see it. We managed to get people back inside for another hour or so for some frolicking and dancing before the actual departure. [TheMarySue]

I just love it whenever a man and a woman can come together, put aside their differences and both agree on having the Batmobile at their wedding reception. *wipes tear* Well great, now that the Solo cake and bat car ideas have been used up, I guess I’ll really have to start working on tracking down that A-Team van. I don’t know why, but I just picture my future wife being a “Howling Mad” Murdock fan.

[via OffbeatBride]