"Nonplayer" To Hit Screens?

“Nonplayer” is one of those comics Image likes to put out: you know, ones that look amazing, have great concepts and writing…and take forever to come out? You know, those? So far, one issue, out of six, has been released. To be fair, Nate Simpson, who’s handling both art and writing, is doing some insanely detailed work on both the writing and the art levels: this is basically a comic that mixes “World of Warcraft” with a clean, old-fashioned future (well, of sorts), and Simpson spends a lot of time on both.

Still, it’s kind of amusing that we’re seeing a movie deal before issue 2 even hits the stands. Warner Brothers has picked up the film rights, and interestingly, David Heyman, the producer of the Harry Potter movies, is the point man for developing it onscreen. Heyman turns out event movies and franchises for Warners, which tells us they’re looking for a franchise out of this.

Either way, we hope Simpson got a fat check out of it so he can hurry up and get issue 2 out, dammit.

[ via the Simpsons fans at Comics Alliance ]