Star Trek And Star Wars Quiet Books Are Homemade Awesome

Quiet books, if you aren’t familiar with them, are little cloth books given to toddlers for them to practice activities like buttoning buttons, tying laces, and working snaps and zippers. Julie Bell has made two quiet books based on Star Trek and Star Wars, and they are adorable. Although she admits some of the minor details weren’t perfect (Picard doesn’t have the right number of dots on his uniform for his rank, for example), it’s close enough for us. She also sells the patterns (but just the patterns) at her Etsy store.

Check out some pages from both books after the jump. Man, this is making me nostalgic. Although I didn’t have a quiet book as a kid, I did have a clown plush toy with buttons, zippers, and such all over his clothes. Which is why, rather than fearing clowns as an adult, I now have the compulsion to start methodically taking all their clothes off. Thanks, mom and dad! (Mr. Poppers thanks you, too.)

[Sources: Juliegillrie (1, 2) via TheMarySue]

For larger versions of these pictures, and more pages from the books, check out Julie’s blog here and here.