Mila Kunis Descends On 'Jupiter Ascending'

A month ago we reported Mila Kunis and Channing Tatum were offered the leads in The Wachowski’s Generic New Age Album Title Jupiter Ascending. Previously, the rumor was they wanted Natalie Portman for the lead, and the plot involved space colonies at war. Warner was reportedly hoping for a franchise, and we all know how great the sequels to Wachowski movies are . . . *smashing Matrix box set with a hammer*

No word yet on if C-Tates has holla’d at ya boy signed on, but adorable WoW-player Mila Kunis confirms she’s on board:

MTV caught up with Kunis at CinemaCon and asked her about the project. Confirming she’s read the script, she added, “Listen, I told you I’m doing it. That’s the most I’ve told anybody.” [ThePlaylist]

Great. Now they just need a better title instead of one that sounds like it came from a Robert Anton Wilson book title generator.