The Worst Trek Bracket Round Ten: "Sub Rosa" Vs. "Masks"

Despite redshirt successfully arguing that calling “Valiant” a ship full of Wesley Crushers was an insult to Wesley Crusher, “Let He Who Is Without Sin” edged it by two votes to move on to the Sulfurous Sixteen. And now we move on to two epic TNG stinkers, words I’ve written a lot during this.

“Sub Rosa”

TNG’s attempt at “supernatural romance”, wherein Beverly Crusher goes to the planet of Scottish stereotypes for her grandfather’s funeral, and winds up boning a ghost that lives in a candle. We wish any of that sentence were a joke.


Data apparently has a WiFi antenna, among other useful attachments, which lets an ancient mainframe hijack his brain and make him wear a ridiculous mask. Then Picard successfully argues him down, also wearing a mask, in one of the least dignified moment of Patrick Stewart’s career, and that includes him playing a limp-wristed interior decorator in “Jeffrey”.

As usual, log your votes in the comments or on Facebook!