Here Are 20 Geeky Christmas Sweaters And Holiday Shirts To Make You Totally Rad At The Family Dinner

You won’t be as rad as these guys, but you can get close.

It’s that time of year again. You’re going to spend an indeterminate quantity of time crowded into a humid room with people you’ve been told from birth are somehow related to you despite all evidence to the contrary. You’re going to spend at least twenty of those gone-forever minutes wishing it were a determinate quantity of time, so you could finally know the earliest moment it’s acceptable to leave. Since you’re stuck there anyway, why not show these suckas what’s what by treating them to an eyeful of totally rad holiday apparel?

Here are twenty examples of gloriously geeky Christmas sweaters and holiday shirts to attempt to explain to your grandma this year.

Robot and Dinosaur Holiday Sweater ($24 at Amazon)

This might be overkill. [via]

“We thought there was only 1 bad sweater in the closet, but there were 8. It’s a miracle.” — Drew

T-shirt with a Doctor Who themed sweater pattern ($15 at Gimmick Tees)

Mark Rober built a sweater with a fireplace on it that holds his iPad, playing a fireplace animation available in the iTunes store. Video available at Technabob. Another how-to video available at Laughing Squid.

Business Cat Christmas Jumper [via]

True story: I used to send this photo to people who asked for picture of me. [via]

Castlevania holiday sweater ($55 at Super7) [via]

$44.00 at The Fourth Floor Print Shop

Home Alone 2: Lost in New York references aren’t as current as they used to be. ($50 at Ugly Christmas Sweater) [via]

T-shirt with a Legend of Zelda themed sweater pattern ($25 at Redbubble)


T-shirt with a Firefly themed sweater pattern ($23 at Redbubble)




So this is a reversible hoodie, not a sweater, but how could we leave it out? ($190 at Amazon) [via]

Forever Alone sweater [via]

Looks like grandma and grandpa are going to upstage us again this year. [via]