Marvel And Disney Are Discussing More ‘Avengers’ And ‘Guardians Of The Galaxy’ Spin Offs

Marvel and Disney’s plan to coordinate several films — with spin offs and teamups as needed — has been absurdly profitable, and Marvel president Kevin Feige has said they have movies loosely planned out to 2028. It shouldn’t be a surprise this model is catching on, with Marvel already hinting at the possibility of a Black Widow solo movie and X-Men producers expressing a renewed interest in spinning off Mystique and Gambit.

Now Business Week (via The Playlist) reports Disney higher-ups have met with Marvel to talk about spinning off even more characters.

[Bob] Iger and Alan Horn, chairman of Walt Disney Studios, recently met with the Marvel team to talk about new heroes who will be introduced in Age of Ultron and could be spun off in their own films as well. Iger declines to name them. “The possibilities are endless,” he says. […]

Iger would like to replicate the success of The Avengers with other Marvel teams. He says Marvel could potentially spin off members of the Guardians of the Galaxy, which include Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Groot, and Rocket Raccoon, in their own features.

If they want to spin off a character from Avengers: Age Of Ultron or from Guardians of the Galaxy, we have a humble suggestion: