The ‘Alien Nation’ Shall Rise Again

Chug some sour milk and stay far away from salt water, everyone! The Tracking Board exclusively reports Fox is remaking the film version of Alien Nation, the 1988 buddy cop / sci-fi mashup in which human detective James Caan and alien Mandy Patinkin are partnered up to solve a murder in a society where aliens are trying to assimilate with Earthlings.

Though there have been TV series, TV movies, and recent remake attempts, this seems to be a solid reboot from the ground-up, starting with a concept similar to the original film. Mark Roybal and Ryan Jones are executive producing for the project, and they are currently meeting with writers to get a script underway.

Let’s hope they don’t SyFy channel this thing. (Context: SyFy tried to reboot Alien Nation then cancelled it before airing most of the first season. The best jokes have to be explained in parenthesis.)

This time, instead of Alien Nation being a metaphor about racism and immigrants in America, it can be a parable about dudes kissing.

P.S. If you clicked the link for “dudes kissing”, you’re gay now. That’s how it works. That’s how they got me, too.