Which State Is Home To The Most Superhero Fans?

Generally, one associates Utah with Mormons and/or jokes from South Park about Mormons. But, apparently, Utah is crammed full of nerds, because according to an analysis of Facebook likes, it’s got the biggest collection of superhero fans on the boards.

Assembled by the Movoto blog, there was a problem you might have already anticipated: Everyone loves Batman, so much so that Batman is the most popular superhero in every single state. So they had to rank it by how much people love Batman, and then the other nine heroes on their list. Among the interesting tidbits:

  • Utah, as we noted, is crammed full of comics nerds. It’s got the most Batman, Iron Man, Superman and Captain America fans, and only dips out of the top ten for Wolverine, Spider-man, and Green Lantern. Also consistently in the top five for each hero are Nevada and Alaska.
  • Conversely, Mississippi has the least nerds, never even getting out of the bottom five and adhering to every stereotype about national data sets. Trivia: Did you know “Thank God For Mississippi” is such a common insult, it has its own Wikipedia page?
  • The American Southwest seems to have the most superhero fans, and the Southeast the least, bar Florida and Georgia.

The moral of the story is that nerds are everywhere. But they especially seem to like deserts. Must be the asthma.