The Court Of Owls Make Their Animated Debut In The Trailer For ‘Batman Vs. Robin’

Batman vs. Robin may sound dangerously close to Batman & Robin, but don’t worry, Joel Schumacher has nothing to do with this movie. Batman vs. Robin, DC’s latest direct-to-video animated flick, basically mashes up Batman and Damien Wayne’s contentious relationship from the pages of Batman and Robin with Scott Snyder’s Court of Owls storyline from Batman.

I enjoyed both those books quite a bit, so hopefully they translate well to television screens. At least we have Weird Al voicing a villain. That’s a good sign, right?

You can check out the first trailer for Batman vs. Robin below…

Ugh, any animated Batman thing without Kevin Conroy doing the voice just feels wrong, but I guess I’ll just have to get over it eventually.

Via Flixist