Mars Lives, Earth Dies In This Exclusive Preview Of Next’s Week’s ‘Martian Manhunter’

Rob Williams and Eddy Barrows started Martian Manhunter off with a bang: The Martian Manhunter, seemingly rambling about his mind being controlled, kills himself. But he’s not dead, exactly; instead his personality has been scattered among a collection of Martian sleeper agents, none of whom realize they’re actually Martians. And they all get an aspect of his personality, for good and for bad; you probably don’t want the manifestation of his love of Oreos, excuse us, Chocos in a fight. It creates a unique atmosphere, mixing sweaty paranoid thriller with abstract comedy and, of course, superheroics.

The problem, though, is that his personality, attempting to save Earth, has lost. Blood magic has been performed; the Earth is a dead husk while Mars lives, vibrant and red in the solar system. And not all of Martian Manhunter is happy about how this turned out…

Will J’onn save Earth or Mars? Can he save both? And can he keep his own mind from bumping him off? Find out next week when Martian Manhunter #7 hits stands, and seek out the other six issues; they’re a unique spin on a classic hero, in case you hadn’t already guessed, and they make for spectacular reading.