Check This Out: An 8-Bit Hobbit Game With Real Dragon Action

In order to promote their upcoming giveaway of a Desolation of Smaug Limited Edition Collectors set, Cinefix created this “8-Bit” (really 16-bit) video that recaps the first two movies.

I’m in love with the RAGE DWALIN, but then I was already in love with Rage Dwalin.

If this were a real game I assume the Gollum questions scene would comprise 80% of the game, much like the first movie. David Dutton, the animator, regrets he did not have enough time to create an 8-bit comb-over for Stephen Fry’s character. Not as much as I do, David.

The collector’s set comes with bookends and is $80. Or you could win one by drawing a character for Cinefix in 8-bit style, their giveaway ends April 15th. Either way you get to enjoy this video for free because the internet is glorious. I would actually pay these guys money for the 8-bit Hobbit soundtrack to play in a continuous loop while I’m at work. (Because writing the news is like fighting a dragon, GRRR, MYSTERY PLANE WHERE ARE YOU?!?)