‘Battlestar Galactica’ Movie Moves Forward With ‘Transcendence’ Writer

Last we heard about the Battlestar Galactica movie, it was going to be directed by Bryan Singer and be based on Glen Larson’s 1978 original series with Larson on board as a producer. Variety now reports Universal has hired Transcendence writer Jack Paglen to script Battlestar Galactica as “a complete reimagining of the story”. Paglen’s other credits include Ridley Scott’s Prometheus sequel which hasn’t started filming yet. Battlestar Galactica creator Glen Larson is still on board as a producer, although we haven’t heard anything about Singer’s involvement in ages.

Battlestar Galactica has already generated two TV series (starting in 1978 and again in 2003) as well as a webseries (Blood & Chrome) in 2012. Since this new movie is a “complete reimagining”, maybe they can fix the awful finale, an ending so terrible George R.R. Martin (Game of Thrones) wrote, “Looks like somebody skipped Writing 101, when you learn that a deus ex machina is a crappy way to end a story.”

While we wait for the movie to hopefully, finally be made, let’s binge watch the Ronald D. Moore and David Eick version, shall we? Surely nothing will go awry…