Alien Abductions Abound In Our Exclusive Preview Of ‘Green Lantern: New Guardians’ #32

The Guardians, in addition to looking like what happened when Billy Quizboy hooked up with a Smurf, are among the most powerful creatures in the DC universe. They’re more than capable of destroying cities, planets, even galaxies. And they might have met their match in our exclusive preview of Green Lantern: New Guardians #32.

New Guardians follows Kyle Rayner, the White Lantern, and his posse of Guardians he rescued (it’s complicated). Rayner’s job is to figure out what he stands for in a universe full of moral grays when he’s quite literally a beacon of hope.

Oh, and he also has to solve some of the nastier problems of the DCU, as our exclusive preview shows…

Green Lantern: New Guardians #32 is out next week.