G.O.A.T. Launch Trailer For ‘Goat Simulator’ Parodies The Iconic ‘Dead Island’ Trailer

In Goat Simulator, you are a goat and you destroy everything in creative ways — including with fire or even an axe — because goats are wee bastards. Goat Simulator started as a joke made by CoffeeStainStudios (of the Sanctum games) during Game Jam. But the internet loved the idea so much the studio made it real, and it’s coming to Steam on the most appropriate day. It will also be Steam Workshop compatible so users can create new levels and objects with which to wreck sh*t in those levels.

Now CoffeeStainStudios has made a launch trailer for Goat Simulator which parodies the iconic Dead Island trailer, one of the best ads for a video game and also one of the biggest letdowns when the game couldn’t live up to the trailer.

Escapist Magazine sums up this sublime parody:

It is a thing of glory. Of beauty. Of majesty. It grows more powerful with each passing moment, until the final, stunning denouement, a moment so impactful, so perfect, that we don’t just see the goat, we feel the goat. We know the goat. We are the goat.

Fancy words for an ungulate who can attack humans with an axe. Er, I should clarify I mean the goat, not the writer of that blockquote, who I assume isn’t an axe-wielding ungulate. All apologies if my assumption is incorrect. (And please don’t axe murder me; you can have every empty can in my recycle bin, just don’t hurt me.)