‘Hotline Miami 2’ Is Gory And Hard As Nails In New Gameplay Footage

The original Hotline Miami was a superb mix of atmosphere and old-school, unforgiving gaming; you got hit, you died, and nothing could stop that. And the sequel Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number looks to be continuing the trend, this time with a disturbing mix of protagonists.

The story, which picks up two years after the first game, is told from multiple points of view. There are the Fans, who idolize the first game’s hero for cleaning up the streets; the Pig Butcher, an actor who is portraying the protagonist from the first game in a crappy splatter flick and is slowly losing his mind; and the Detective, who has a badge and absolutely no qualms about killing everybody in a building with a shotgun. Returning are the catchy, pulse-pounding soundtrack, throbbing neon exteriors, creepy ass animal masks, and Nintendo-hard gameplay.

The leak, which came via a lucky YouTuber according to VG 24/7, reflects the game being almost ready to go; it’s supposed to arrive sometime in the next two months, and will probably eat up all your time as you try to beat each level. At least it wasn’t delayed to 2015.