‘Star Wars ’80s High School’ Imagines Star Wars As A John Hughes Movie


“What if Star Wars were set in a ’80s high school?” That’s the question artist Denis Medri asked himself. Rather than follow that up like we would with a long, smoky exhale and a “Dude, that would be, like, coool” Medri actually did something requiring effort and illustration talent.

Medri made a series called “Star Wars ’80s High School” and it has all the John Hughes vibe and ’80s high school movie tropes we’d expect. Between the Star Wars NFL and our master list of celebrities dressing as Princess Leia, it’s shaping up to be a great month for Star Wars fans.

Some of our favorite drawings from “Star Wars ’80s High School” are below, and you can check out the whole series at Behance. Thanks to Daring Fireball for the assist.

Luke and Leia

Han Solo and Chewbacca

Nerd-droids (C-3PO and R2-D2)

Vader, Boba Fett, and Troopers

Lando and Greedo

Coach Yoda and Professor Kenobi

Leia sends a message.

Let the Wookiee win.

Check out the rest at Behance.