It’s Superman Vs. The Army In This Exclusive Preview Of ‘Action Comics’ #29

Being Superman can be harder than it looks. Sure, you’ve got god-like power and the love of millions. On the other hand, you also wind up in situations such as bleeding out while being surrounded by a bunch of panicking superstrong subterranean apes, which is how our exclusive preview of Action Comics #29 opens.

The current run of Action Comics pairs Greg Pak and Aaron Kuder, and the two have turned out to be one of the better Superman teams in recent years. Pak, of course, knows his way around god-like superheroes and making them relatable, while Kuder’s love of the grotesque monster and skill with action scenes have served him well in a book where Superman has a giant blue lizard monster for a buddy.

Not that it’s helping him a whole lot right now. At the end of Action Comics #28, Superman discovered that he could, in fact, be stabbed and it wasn’t a pleasant experience. Now he’s bleeding out, and he’s got bigger problems on top of that. If you want the full story, Action Comics #29 will be on stands next week.