Chris Hemsworth Wasn’t Pleased This Interviewer Dropped A Spoiler For ‘Thor: Ragnarok’ Live On The Air

WARNING: Possible spoilers for Thor: Ragnarok below

We’re inching closer to Thor: Ragnarok and the Marvel promotion machine is out in full force around the globe, sending Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, and director Taika Waititi out to spread the atmosphere of the film to the masses. That means they’re having fun and being colorful and spoiling things — at least Mark Ruffalo is when he’s not live-streaming the movie premiere on Facebook Live. Everything is blurring the lines with fun and reality at this point, especially with Ruffalo’s habitual spoiling, but this spoiler from an interview with the trio on Australia’s Ten network might’ve been too real.

A lot of Thor: Ragnarok‘s coolest bits are out in the open right now, so it seems like a small detail compared to The Hulk battling a fire giant, Loki blasting guys with a space gun, Thor’s hammer getting destroyed, and any of the other things we’ve seen in the trailers released up to this point. Knowing Hulk can speak is something you’d think would be a spoiler, but it’s not right now. This on the other hand, has Hemsworth correcting the anchor and trying to avoid the arrival of the Marvel spoiler kill squad.

Now if you don’t want to be spoiled at all, you shouldn’t read forward or push play on the video. It isn’t a fact that ruins the film, but it does reveal a relationship some fans might not be aware exists.

At around 6:10 during the interview on Ten network’s The Project, personality Tommy Little drops the revelation that Cate Blanchett’s Hela will be Thor’s sister in the film, giving their battles throughout a little sibling rivalry and giving the interview a big spoiler warning near the start.

Hemsworth seems to kindly chide Little a bit, telling him “you can’t give that away” before Ruffalo drops a little pig latin on his Australian hosts. It isn’t exactly a world breaker, but it has to be a little frustrating for a team of actors that have spent years doing their best to avoid angering their employer with spoilers.

As other sites have pointed out, Hela’s familial relationship with Thor isn’t a new concept. However, she is not his sister in the comics, but is instead a distant relation and the daughter of an earlier incarnation of Loki that was killed during an earlier Ragnarok event. She was given rule over the dead and their realm, keeping in line with what we’ll be seeing on screen in November. Making her Thor’s sister helps to simplify her backstory a bit and also adds a little wrinkle to her motivations for returning to Asgard.

Hopefully nothing else gets spoiled before the movie hits theaters, especially if it has to do with Avengers: Infinity War. We might not get the trailer at all if it does.

(Via io9)