‘Once Upon a Time, in a Galaxy Far, Far Away’ imagines Disney Princesses as Jedi

It”s been a while since I shone a spotlight on some stellar Disney Princess/??? mash-up. Whether depicting them as men, WoC (Women of Color), or zombie survivors, picking a genre and adding princesses is a time-honored Internet tradition.

And with Star Wars being at the forefront of our pop culture consciousness, the only real question is why it took this long for a Jedi Princess crossover to happen.

Artist Tom Hodges not only drew every single Disney Princess (save poor Eilonwy from “The Black Cauldron” who is ALWAYS forgotten) as a Force-wielding Jedi, but each one has her own twist on the Light Side. And they ARE all Light Side. Perhaps Hodges will do a Sith Disney Villains collection to give these fierce ladies someone to battle.

If anyone at Lucasfilm wants to make Merida”s lightsaber bow a reality, that”d be cool. Just sayin”.

After the jump, take a look at all 14 designs! If you like what you see, head over to TeeFury to get your favorite as a shirt or print!