‘Star Wars’ Fans Are Following The ‘Kylo Ren Challenge’ With The More Elegant ‘Leia Challenge’


Carrie Fisher is cooler than you, but don’t feel bad. Carrie Fisher is cooler than just about everyone in existence. And even though we’ve been without her for over a year, her legacy lives on, front and center through Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Now, Star Wars fans are deciding they’re done hiking up their pants for the #KyloRenChallenge, so they’re covering the bottom half of their faces and taking the #LeiaChallenge.

Whether it was Fisher who thought of covering half her face for certain parts of The Last Jedi is unknown, but she also wrote some of the divisive film’s best scenes, so it’s easy to assume that she wanted to look all badass behind her cloak. It’s something the Skywalkers do best — look good in cloaks.



As the #LeiaChallenge has gone on, people are now starting to use other beings and objects to cover the bottom of their faces, which seems to be fair game and adds a possible new, weird wrinkle to the #KyloRenChallenge if anyone decides to go back to it. Here’s a small dog and a baby’s head making the challenge complete. Others might just be cold.


Disclaimer: Don’t attempt the #LeiaChallenge if you’re outside in the cold and you’re wearing glasses, or your glasses will fog up and the only thing that can help you then is the Force, or a microfiber cloth.
